Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Quick Update.

I seem to be losing weeks at a time, it's ridiculous how busy things are. My poor children have been suffering with putting up with mom and dad working constantly, but in some exciting news Lillian has finally agreed to be potty trained. I have no shame in saying Ian and I have bribed her until we were blue in the face with completely empty pocketbooks, but I only change 1/2 the diapers I used to, so it's worth it. She still won't poop on the toilet and I don't see that coming anytime soon. She likes to hide when she goes and I guess the toilet just isn't private enough.

John and Lillian get better at playing with each other every day. Although lately it's been used as an excuse to stay up past bedtime, "Mom, I'm playing with GOHN!" As though that excuses her from all other rules and responsibilities. Regardless, John loves the attention, and has had no problem informing us that he will by no means be our mild mannered child... I guess that's just me getting what I deserve.

We were able to make a weekend trip to AZ which was such a nice break, the kids took full advantage of being outdoors as much as humanly possible, and we all defrosted a bit.

Things around here are still all about How to Train Your Dragon, and many a afternoon are spent reenacting scenes from the movie. The remainder of our time is spent singing and dancing along to The Backyardigans, some day I will have to take videos and post them, because it's pretty much the most adorable thing ever.

Anyways...cute pictures of cute kids...

John loves dirt.

Lillian loves eggsalad.

John letting the belly hang out.

Lillian appreciating being in warm AZ.

This is where I usually find John before bedtime.

Cuddling with Grandma.

John appreciating some delicious Dr. Pepper...don't tell Dad.

Lillian enjoying being outside.

Quintessential John.

My pretty little girl.

My 1 going on 30 son.

Visiting Dad at work.


Sugar maniac begging for more.

Posing some more.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Does anyone know where March went?

How is it already April? The whole month of March flew by and I still haven't filed taxes, mailed my census forms, or slept enough for an entire month to have passed. I apologize in advance for the overwhelming amount of photos in this update, but really the only reason you're looking at this is to see pictures of the Monsters, so apology rescinded. While all of you have been enjoying Springtime, and the pending summer months, this is what we've been living in.

Yes. That is snow.

This Easter was an exciting one. We all had a grumpy cold, that put everyone in a foul mood. It was a blast, to say the least. Saturday evening Lillian dyed eggs. I was pretty hesitant to dye eggs, since she's still pretty young, and loathe all things crafty...it's not one of my skills, but Lillian loved it. Not very surprising considered her Grandmothers are just about as crafty as one can get, it must skip generations.

Sunday morning the kids woke up at 6:30am. !!! I know people like KJ are reading this and thinking 'Give me a break' But when your kids usually don't get up until 8, and you're all sick, 6:30 is a nightmare. They had fun finding Easter Eggs, and Lillian kept stealing Johns out of his basket while he wasn't looking. I wish I could show you videos, but I filmed the whole ordeal on our "Holiday Camcorder" (It only comes out on holidays) and I don't have the proper wires to upload anything from it. And the evening ended with a huge Prime Rib Roast stuffed with Garlic... oh at lots of Bundt Cake from Nothing Bundt Cake. Ian has already gathered up all the candy and hidden it, probably in the garbage, Holidays lose half the appeal when you don't have a sweet tooth.
Anyways, let's back up some more, about 2 weeks ago we met up with Kelly and Shaylie at the aquarium, to see the new penguin exhibit that didn't open until the next day of course, the kids had a great time, John even touched a sting ray. Despite being the world's smallest aquarium, we managed to blow about 3 hours there, so overall it was an extremely successful outing.

In other exciting news, if you haven't seen "How To Train Your Dragon" You should. It was fantastic, and we're hooked for life. Walmart has so much garbage as soon as Ian sees my stash he will murder me. And to make matters worse McDonalds is in on the action! I'm pleased to announce that after gaining ridiculous amounts of body fat we have gathered all the dragons! That's how we roll.

And now, on to the cute pictures...

Lillian finally posing for a decent picture.

Does this picture gross anyone else out. Milk and spaghetti is bad enough... but strawberry milk...

Lillian dresses herself.

Have you ever seen someone so happy about Sunflower seeds?

Prior to the Target lockdown (We can't go back until Lillian goes poop in the potty) Lillian picked this outfit out all by herself, and kept saying 'Thank you Mom! I love it! It's so cute!'

Yumm. Yogurt.

Please note that John is wearing a Monsters Inc. shirt, it's his favorite, so mom made him a shirt for it. He get so excited every time he puts in on.

We're adding new costumes to the dinosaur stock.

John posing...he learned from his father.

Lillian "Turning into a Frog" Can you tell we've been watching The Frog Princess a few hundred times?