Saturday, May 15, 2010

3 Years Later

I can't believe that Lillian is 3 years old.  Where does the time go?  Monday John and Lillian had their check ups, 15months and 3years.  All is well, despite John having second child syndrome, I really can't tell you how many words he knows.  I guess first things first, Lillian's birthday was last Saturday, we woke up and opened presents, she got a fish, who dad named Nemo, despite the fact that it's silver, blue, and maroon.  Two walking talking dinosaurs, a game from pwopwo that has to do with animals and the noises they make, and princess clothes.  Then we all packed up and went to the zoo.

Poor John only got a 30 minute nap, so he was a bit groggy.


Checking out the adorable baby Elephant.

Riding the carousel.

Finally starting to recognize where he his and what is going on.



Lillian hiding.

Penguins kissing.

John copying his sister by sitting on rocks, he thinks he so cool.


The zoo train.

John's first encounter with Dippin' Dots.

Lillian having "SO MUCH FUN!"

John thinking he's cool again.

Lillian's Dragon Cake, we had to get a bundt cake, but were able to get a topper from Walmart.

Lillian and John 'hiding' from me after bathtime.
They're so funny.

John getting into some shoes in his favorite outfit.

Lillian posing.

Cute kids.

John playing hide and seek, his favorite game to play, we'll do it for hours.

Lillian relaxing.

John being clever.

Lillian helping Dad at work, by hanging out in the A/C vents?  The project is coming along so far so good, I don't want to jinx us, but I also know the closer we get to being done the more work that we have piling up to do... it will be an interesting couple of months.