Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Dinosaur and The Climber

I swear that I don't actually like John more than Lillian, he's just the only one that let's me take pictures of him. The other day we bought John a forward facing car seat, not that he wasn't happy in the backwards facing one, he was totally content (unlike his sister who had to be turned around at 11 months) Regardless, we turned the box into a tunnel, which the kids loved. Seriously, what is better than a cardboard box? You can imagine my joy upon finding this place: http://thislittlepiggyshouse.com/cardboard.html Now all I have to do is find a place bigger than our cardboard box condo to live so I can build a whole city of these!
When he tired the forward facer for the first time... he was in heaven. I'll never be able to switch him back.

Lillian also is officially on a dinosaur costume kick. The other day she got her old Halloween costume out of the bin and demanded to have it put on, and didn't ever want to take it off. She even wore it on the airplane to AZ. The other night I threw it in the wash while she was taking a bath and she continued to have a fit when she got out and couldn't find "Baby Dinosaur" anywhere. To make matters worse she seems to have had some sort of a growth spurt in the past 3 weeks, so now I have to order he a new one, that doesn't give her the worlds biggest wedgie.
In other terrorist news we went to McDonald's today and (this will give my mother a heart attack) John did this...

I think it's safe to say, he will out terrorize Lillian.

Some other adorableness... John watching his favorite movie, Monsters Inc.

John just relaxing while Dad feeds him.
One of John's temper tantrums.

John giving a kiss back, he's starting putting his face up against your mouth and saying "muuuhh" when he wants kisses.

And my little China Man, he always squats instead of sitting.


  1. What a cutie! Always fun to play with cardboard boxes!

  2. It's hard to believe you're a mom of two kids. When we first moved here you were a middle school student who babysat for us! Your kids are so cute!
